Edible Garden!!
April 2023
Since the redesign of this unused area of the school
The Edible Garden has developed into a useful and enjoyable outdoor classroom .
Our upper school students can easily access the raised beds and have discovered the benefits of growing and nurturing their own plants.
Some students have pursued their interest in horticulture by going on to relevant FE vocational courses.
In the classroom students continue their cross-curricular studies by growing for eating & cooking or designing floral linked products for retail in the school shop.

A Sparkling New
July 2022
Thanks to the AMAZING people at Variety - The Children's Charity, in July 2022, we took delivery of a Brand New Mini-Bus!!
On a beautiful day, in the wonderful surroundings of Moor Park Golf Club, Variety presented Hearts of Oak with a new mini-bus which sparkled bright yellow in the sunshine! The colour was chosen by the bus sponsors, Joie ( and we just love it!!!
Even more exciting, the team at Hearts of Oak were joined by pupils from both Oak Bridge and Oak Lodge to collect the keys from golfing legend Colin Montgomorie, OBE!!
Our own Sally Adams spoke a few words to the watching crowd who had come to Moor Park to participate in the Pro-Am charity day and explain why it would make such a difference to our students.
In fact, in 2023 the mini-bus even managed to get invited into Buckingham Palace’s Royal Mews for a day-trip for some very lucky pupils (see the pictures below!).
Many thanks to Joie and also a huge thank-you to Variety and especially to Jamie Little who supported us through the application process…thanks Jamie, you’re a star!!
Also, thanks to Alex Sachs who raised loads of money for the bus via his participation in a Triahthlon and always, to The Frank Barnes Trust who continue to be an amazing friend to us!